On February 5, members of the board of the Kok Boru Federation of the Kyrgyz Republic met at an extraordinary meeting and discussed the issue of amending the “Regulations” on the upcoming republican interdistrict championship. It was discussed in what order teams from the cities of Bishkek and Osh would be included. As a result, it was decided by a majority vote that the “Chetindi” team from the city of Bishkek was allowed to participate in the republican interdistrict championship. As for the city of Osh, on February 2 of this year, the “Osh Shaary” team, which took part in the championship of the Osh region, had the opportunity to participate without any changes in its composition.
As a result, the following districts and cities will take part in the republican interdistrict championship:
1) Suzak district, Jalal-Abad region
2) Ak-Tala district, Naryn region
3) Sokuluk district, Chui region
4) Leilek district, Batken region
5) Kara-Kulzhinsky district, Osh region
6) Ak-Suu district, Issyk-Kul region
7) Talas district, Talas region
8) "Osh Shaary"
9) "Chetindi", Bishkek
It should be noted that the republican interdistrict championship will be held from February 17 to 22 at the Ak-Kula hippodrome in Bishkek.