
Kubanych Sultan uulu became the champion in Zhekeme-zheke (“one-on-one”).

The Zhekeme-zheke Open Championship was held in Bishkek, in which 66 athletes took part. Participants in this tournament came from all over Kyrgyzstan.

At the opening ceremony of the championship, the President of the Kok Boru Federation Ramis Dzhunusaliev, wishing success to the athletes, noted that from now on Zhekeme-zheke will be added to the list of large-scale, interesting and beautiful sports. He also congratulated the organizers and spectators on the inclusion of the Zhekeme-Zheke League in the Kok Boru Federation.

During the tournament, the famous player Zhekeme-zheke (“one-on-one”) Kubanych Sultan uulu met Seyitbek Anarbek uulu in the final and won a convincing victory. As a result, Kubanych Sultan uulu received a cup and a cash prize in the amount of 100 thousand soms from the head of the league, Shergazy Ashimov.

Tournament results:

1st place - Kubanych Sultanuulu - "Koyon" 100 thousand soms

2nd place - Seyitbek Anarbek uulu "Oomat" - 70 thousand soms

3rd place - Ersultan Aidarkan uulu "Cortege" - 50 thousand soms

4th place - Erbol Talantbek uulu "Euro" - 30 thousand soms

2023-11-30 02:25:00
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