The Republican Interdistrict Kok Boru Championship was held in Bishkek from February 17 to 22. A total of 9 teams took part in it:
Ak-Suu district, Issyk-Kul region
Ak-Tala district, Naryn region
Sokuluk district, Chui region
Talas district, Talas region
Suzak district, Jalal-Abad region,
Leilek district, Batken region
Kara-Kuldzha district of Osh region
Team Chetindi, Bishkek
National team of Osh.
The final games took place on February 22. In the game for 3rd place, Sokuluk district defeated Suzak district with a score of 9:1.
The final match took place between Talas and Ak-suu districts, where Talas district defeated the opponent with a score of 5:1.
1st place – Talas district 350 thousand soms;
2nd place – Ak-Suu district 200 thousand soms;
3rd place – Sokoluksky district 150 thousand soms;
4th place – Suzak district 70 thousand soms;
The remaining participating teams received 40 thousand soms each.
The best blueberries - Mayrambek Ryspekov (Talas)
Best individual - Nazim Azat uulu (Ak-Suu)
It should be noted that the inter-district championship of Kyrgyzstan is being held for the first time. The selection of teams took place in each region since December last year. The winners in their areas determined the best district of Kyrgyzstan.2