On February 14, a delegation from Kyrgyzstan visited Astana and received information about the progress of preparations for the V World Nomad Games. The representatives headed by the President of the Kok-Boru Federation of Kyrgyzstan Ramis Dzhunusaliev were informed by the Deputy Directorate for Preparation for the 5th WEC Muratbek Kipshakbaev. He said that preparations for the Nomad Games are in full swing, and work is currently underway to inform each participating country.
In turn, Ramis Dzhunusaliev noted his regret that the organizers did not include the Kyrgyz national game kok-boru in the upcoming DKO, and noted that in general, Kyrgyzstanis pay special attention to this issue. And also, if the game of kokboru is added to the WNG program, Kyrgyzstan is ready to bring two teams, both in kok-bor and kokpar.
The Kazakh delegation expressed interest in continuing bilateral negotiations and openness to negotiations on this issue. Afterwards, the Kyrgyz side proposed holding the next meeting in Bishkek. This proposal has found support, and negotiations will continue in Bishkek in early March.